Kyoto. Photo by Becca
I just wanted to post a small note to those brides out there looking for a wedding photographer! Thanks for looking at my website and my blog.
I am currently in Japan and will be from 1st-25th of February. I am still replying to emails and booking weddings while I am away. From June - November of this year, I have booked a majority of Saturdays. If you are planning your wedding in one of these months, please contact me quickly if you are interested to see my availability. Please only contact me through email right now - I am not using my cellphone over here and my Japanese cellphone is only for emergencies.
My lovely associate photographer, Kate, is handling things back home while I am away and is also helping confirm bookings.
I appreciate everyone's love & support while I have been and will be away - I have some amazing clients and I can't wait to meet everyone. You guys are phenomenal!
Also - a big Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!